
The Beginning

Well, hello there. To those of you who have found this randomly (which at the moment will be anyone reading this unless you're Simon) I am Sky

I am a 20 year old female student. I study Animal Management. I'm just coming to the end of my first semester of my second year. I'm renting a house with 6 other people I befriended in my first year, who are all mad and all but one are female:

Stuart - (the not female) He's a cool guy, keeps to himself. Going out with a woman called Sue, who is also nice and keeps him out of our hair, really ;)

Julia - Bi-polar lesbian, type. Last year there was a war trying to work out what was going on with her and this housing situation. Now, even before the christmas holiday she said she doesn't want to live with us anymore, which has caused a load of hassle with everyone really because we need to sort out either this house( (the general preference) and pay a little more, or find a newer, smaller house. This isn't being helped by Sophie, who will be discussed further in a bit. Julia is also a pain because she changes her personality so much. She'll be happy and joky at one point (granted, still a bit odd, but it's interaction), then she'll hide herself in her room. Locking the door and not answering anyone no matter what for WEEKS. She's also now got a girlfriend who she's actually seeming to be staying with now. I dunno, she puzzles and irritates me... she is northern, what can you expect? ;)

Sophie - Short, bubbly girl. She's on my course and is really sweet. She's fixated on trying to do that best for people... and often getting upset about it. She own a horse called Kayt, who she loves, nearly as much as her dog who lives back at home. Her and Jo are 'best mates'. Last year they set up this bond due to Sophie being in our room all the time and Jo being into horses as well. She also has this tendency to change herself at the flick of a switch... or what seems like it. She appears to enjoy attention ALL the time, and when this attention is threatened she gets upset and seeks it elsewhere. This week has been a good example, as she seems to have been making up reasons to leave the house near-constantly for the last three days. I might tell that story in more depth later on. To do with the house, the hassle is more on her dad's side. He wants her to move back into Halls at the college and doesn't want to budge. The problem is that he did this all last year... so we'll see what happens...

Stacey - Northern Irish, accident prone and also quite confusing. When you first meet her you can tell she's an Equine girl. She seems to look down on you and pull faces at everything, but it's ust the way she is. The time I've spent with her in the house so far has shown me she's got a really good heart. When I need a lift to the train station to go home or to my dad's she'll be the one offering the lift (to AND from the station). She'll offer help in other ways too, and cooks a GORGEOUS Sunday dinner. Accident prone, you ask? She falls up the stairs at least 3 times a day, I swear. You hear a small "Oooooh" every few hours and know exactly what's going on! Bless her. I didn't expect to be writing such a positive report on her actually, she has her fair share of faults, but she's a good girl really :)

Joanna - (aka Jo) My ex-room mate. Studying Animal Science. She's a funny old thing. Bit moody, but good fun to. She's very opinionated, which kind of intimidates me, but I don't step on toes, so I don't get in the way of her bite, I suppose. She's been really angry at Sophie because of her whole "avoiding the house" shinanigans. She also has a really fun boyfriend. It's funny seeing those two together, because although Jo's still being herself, you can see a slightly more defeated and vunerable side to her :) For me this isn't so hard after sharing a room with her last year, but I wonder if others notice this too. She's a lot less scary than she seems, and she's the one who allowed me to make any friends at Uni, so I'm grateful to her for that (most of the time)

Lisa - Studying Garden Design. She's currently having a lot of trouble doing millions of drawings for her coursework! She's Stacey's best mate and those two are often found chatting to or teasing each other, which is a source of great entertainment for the rest of us. Lisa's also a pretty good source herself, but in a different way. I think she's one of my better friends here, along with Jo, because we share a lot of interests in music. She's usually the middle man in most matters, because people come to her to complain about things. She's also done a lot to help us get and keep and maintain this house and thinks of it more as her home than the one where she actually lives!

So that's my housemates. I'm sure you'll get a fuller picture of them all over time :) The other people in my life are:

Skep - My dimple-darling boyfriend. You'll hear him being called many things (dimple-darling not being a common one, so savour it!). I love him to pieces, we've been together for 5 years (sort of) and I can't imagine anything getting in the way of that... The only thing that's threatening it is his weed smoking habit and the fact I get really paranoid and jealous sometimes... but he generally looks past that, because he loves me and knows I know that and so on, etc... he's currently out of work after being let go from his christmas placement and so looking for a new job so he can afford to come see me! (honest, that's why... ... honest)

Brook & Zak - My brothers. Irritating. Lovely. They're boys and I'm related to them. We'll leave that there!

Cyan - My sister. I love here, I think she's great! I also think she's a million times prettier, sexier and more popular and amazing than me, but she'd say otherwise. We get along well for sisters, really. Our favourite past times are slagging off boys (mostly hers) and shopping together. Shopping's not as fun when my little sister's not there

Kezia - My half sister. Small, cute and attention-seeking. When I'm at home I might complain about her more, but the distant puts a little more emphasise on the "cute"

Mum, Dad & Cliff - Parents (duh) and step-dad (hopefully also duh). I love my parents. They're awesome in their own ways and love me to pieces and would do anything in their power to make sure I was as happy as I possibly could be at any and every moment they can. I like to think I don't cause them too much trouble, but I'm probably wrong...

Aaaaaand, well that's about all I can be bothered to write about right now. Prepare yourself for bitching in the near future, about revision (exams in one week), Skep's smoking and this whole house/Sophie thing...

Meanwhile, take care of yourselves and whatnot x

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