
Shopping and a phone call

Well, today I needed to go into town. Firstly, to sort out money (where it was, where it wasn't, you know, studenty things...) and secondly to take a look at clothes that I do and don't want to buy. It was quite nice, in that this time 'round I remembered everything I needed to take in with me. I started from the very top of town and worked my way down, really

Mk One - Looked at a few thing, they're quite good for cheap, simple things. I couldn't see the changing rooms and felt a little weird and tacky in there, so I left quite quickly thinking I'll take a look at another time

New Look - Picked up five items and liked two, really. I think a third one was nice, but I wasn't wearing the right clothes for those almost-a-dress tops that you get so I kind of ignored it. One was bright pink and a second was a khaki colour with an animé-esque face on the front. Was cool and I almost bought it, so I might have to go back and hunt it back down

BlueOrange - Some of their clothes are so unique and cool, but expensive :( I wanted to try on one thing actually, but I feel a little weird in there too cos it seems a bit snobby (due to it being so expensive and small, I guess...)

River Island - I LOVE this shop. Half of the stuff in there is terrible, like the high fashion stuff (apparently big buttons and underwear-like jeans are 'in'...), but then there tends to be a few bits that I really like. Their jeans, for example, and some of their jackets and plainer tops... it's nice to look around. I found a pair of jeans and three tops I liked, which was good. Still didn't buy anything though...

Envy - Found a GORGEOUS skirt and top that I would love to buy... it'd be only for going out in, so it's not majorly important that I buy it... I'll think about it more, cos they ARE amazing

Went to Marks and Spencers and got my bra size measured and found out that I have gone up a cup size, which means I need new bras. This is a good thing apart from the fact I need to get more comfy ones and then build up a new collection of pretty ones too :( Dammit...

Then I sorted out money, and I think I've discovered I can actually cover my overdraft... I'm leaving all money swapping for after Easter so I know I have my last loan in and all that jazz, but still, that's all good news for me :3

Lastly, I got Tesco shopping. Nothing much, since I bought things to keep me going last week, too, but yeah. I wasn't too weighed down, either, which made a nice change, considering the rain...

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